Astronomy Planner for iOS

Making Progress

Hello patient astronomers,

Before I get into a development update, I want to apologize. As you know, I still haven't shipped an iOS 8 compatible version of Observer Pro. I also haven't kept you informed of progress that has (or has not) been made. I know many of you are holding off updating your devices to iOS 8 because you want to continue using Observer Pro. This is a terrible thing to do to loyal customers. I'm sorry.

Your emails and comments on this blog have been amazing and extremely encouraging, and are much appreciated even if I haven't responded to them all. 

I have recently dedicated some time to pick Observer Pro up off the floor and get development going again. I took a short vacation from my day job to tackle the biggest barriers I was facing. It's now in a place where I can better utilize small time slots on nights and weekends to keep making progress.

Going forward, I plan on doing a better job of communicating progress so that you can have a better feel for when you'll finally get your hands on the next version of Observer Pro. Thank you so much for not giving up on me!

Clear skies,